The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec, as best as I can tell from the fast-moving trailer — another good sign is an English-translation version is available on YouTube and elsewhere — takes bits from several Adèle stories: Adèle and the Beast (a pterodactyl, actually), The Demon of the Eiffel Tower and Mummies in Madness. (Yes, English versions are available. Try American Book Exchange/AbeBooks.com.)
As I noted back in my earlier post on Tardi, Adèle’s sometimes-hallucinatory adventures have entangled her and her pals with the aforementioned demon in the Eiffel Tower, rampaging mummies and multi-tentacled sea monsters rising from the Seine to snatch cooing infants out of their strollers. Wild, fun stuff.
You can see the movie’s cool web site (en francais) here. Très excitant.
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